Thursday, August 26, 2010


Last summer I noticed that there are lots of mushrooms that grow here.  Think thick peaty soil that stays fairly saturated because runoff can't percolate down once it hits the permafrost.  Good for mushrooms.  I got a comprehensive mushroom guide but haven't had the time to get out and ID them yet.  So, I don't know what we're viewing here, but I think they're fun to look at.  Great colors, shapes, textures.  I hope you enjoy them too.
The color didn't really come through -- a great blue-black
Some early morning dew
Is it a fungus or a bagel?
I really like this picture
Fuzzy picture but sharp mushroom
I had trouble getting both the caps & stems in focus at the same time
Another favorite picture
There were several other kinds, but these are some of the better pictures.  Coming soon...Blueberries and Desperation Lake.


  1. Once again, awesome pictures.

  2. Yes, I agree with Paul. The mushrooms are beautiful, especially the one you "really like." A work of art, that. These pics should be framed and arranged together. (In your "spare time." :D ) - MH
