Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Teaser Snow

It was snowing when I woke up this morning (thanks you-know-who for the 6:00 phone call -- don't forget I'm 3 hours behind Central and have been working late hours at the visitor center!)  Anyway, the snow was exciting to see.  There was more falling than last week, and it left a thicker blanket.  I notice when I see the snow I sort of catch my breath and think, ok, this is it, the beginning of the road to -60 degrees.  But then it mostly melts as the day goes by.  I wonder when it will finally stick to stay all winter.

Today I had a program at school and America's Best Idea in the visitor center tonight.  I didn't get to watch last nights episode because someone brought their three children, and Kristen and I spent the whole time keeping them from disrupting the other viewers.  Tonight we had a plan so we wouldn't have to do that again, so I got to enjoy the episode.  I'm glad because it was an especially good episode, very moving stories about people and their experiences in the parks, the struggle to create some of the parks....  I never realized either how much of a friend the Rockefellers were to the parks.  I'm looking forward to the next two days.  I think Everglades will be highlighted tomorrow, and Kobuk Valley should show up on Friday.

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