Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Other than family being scattered in four directions, Christmas was good this year.  I had put up the tree for the first time in quite a few years (a few different reasons for that), and being closer than ever to the North Pole, I couldn't help but catch a festive spirit.  Here's a picture of what the place is looking like.

The weather was perfect for the day, not too cold, clear, little wind.  Having passed the winter solstice on 12/21, everyone was in good spirits knowing that more light is available every day.  Of course, we were never completely in the dark.  I haven't yet taken the time to figure out why during the summer there's about a month where the sun never goes down while in the winter, at least in this location, we're not completely in the dark.  I think the shortest day was just over 2 hours long.

The Hogans invited me over with some other folks for Christmas dinner.  They had lots of food already prepared, but when another lady and I were asking what we could bring, they mentioned a couple of items.  Would you believe that of all places, ice cream is on the menu for Christmas dinner here?  I've been told that Alaska is the state with the highest per capita ice cream consumption.  I believe it, too.  I decided to make homemade ice cream again, and every bit of it was eaten.  Everyone there said it was great...thanks for the recipe, Mom!

We had a good group of folks there, and we spent close to 12 hours eating, talking, playing games, eating again, and talking some more!  As I headed home arount 1:00 AM, I got my first glimpse of the northern lights.  They were very faint, and if someone hadn't pointed them out, I probably would have missed them altogether, but it was exciting to know that's what I was looking at.  They're usually visible in the wee hours of the morning, and since it was kind of a struggle to normalize my schedule here, I haven't been staying up to watch for them.  We're also in a low spot on the 11-year sun spot cycle which means less auroral activity.  I think we'll be set for more displays in about 3 or 4 years.

I don't have plans for New Year's Eve yet, but I've heard great things about fireworks in past years here.  Apparently they take the show out on the ice of Kotzebue Sound.  I've been told that because of the cold temperature the colors are very vibrant.  I haven't heard any announcements of fireworks for this year, but I'm hoping the tradition continues.  I have my mittens and scarf (thank you Mom & Dad) ready to go and have been looking for an excuse to walk out on the ice.

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